Business letter

Writing a business white paper is a responsible task that cannot be performed just by anybody, for business communication requires specific approach, knowledge and experience. And it doesn’t only concern the writing of white papers but also any kind of writing associated with business. On the one hand, the communication itself is highly formalized and requires the usage of a number of clichés; on the other hand, one has to know when to put them away and add something new and fresh. For example, if you compose a white paper for a business paper shredding solution you should also take into account the audience, people who is going to use and read the text that appears as a result. You should persuade the reader that the solution you are writing about offers something radically new to the paper shredding industry and should be preferred to all the other offers.

Even business card paper types matter greatly, for they are often the first notion of your company a person sees. The paper type you select should reflect the nature of the company, be in correspondence with the line of business you work in, in other words – be appropriate.

If we come back to our example with white paper for a business paper shredding solution we should mention that this document is not only supposed to show why this technology is superior to the ones offered by the competitors, but also be in congruence with the industry. Nothing flashy, no going out of one’s way to attract attention, only serious approach and business-like attitude. The same goes for a business white paper for any other kind of commercial activity – don’t forget that it is above all a sales tool, so concentrate on what is most important in a particular situation: technology, organization, company’s policy, methodology or anything else.


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